Black edition wallpaper has been one of the runaway successes from the Romo wallcovering

Black edition wallpaper has been one of the runaway successes from the Romo wallcovering & fabrics brand. One of the reasons for its success is the elegance and contemporary feel this range offers. Romo have always been ahead of the curve from a design perspective, but black edition simply excels at a note of sophistication with intricate weaving techniques and a colour pallet which is truly stunning. The artisan nature of the Black Edition range is impressive and of course popular for many wall covering potential designs, but there is a real creative force behind this range of wallpaper that harks back to the grandeur of the 20th century.

There are bold floral designs, that marry up with subtle old artisan techniques and all these aspects combined create a hugely popular series of wallpapers which have that sophisticated look and feel to them. Romo have distributed the Black Edition series across the world, but in the UK, Naken Interiors have concentrated on ensuring the entire range is available. Everything from an almost faded grandeur feel to the wallpaper through to bold and colourful designs and patterns that catch the admiring eye, Black Edition is top notch indeed.
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